#amwriting With Jess & Kj

399: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Self Publishing



As a hybrid author with a long history of both self-publishing and traditional contracts, I’m often asked about this choice. How I decided to self-publish, and is it still a good idea?  This is question for the ages! Or, well, since 2007.  The answer is that it’s complicated. My own feelings about self-pub have surely evolved over the years. This March I celebrated my ten-year anniversary as a self published author. I had a great return on my efforts right out of the gate, so I’ve always been a fan. Unfortunately, though, self-publishing ate my life. It’s a lot of work, so I’m not quite as gung-ho as I used to be. But that doesn’t mean it’s a terrible idea. To help you decide, I’ve identified several questions you can ask yourself to help figure out if self-publishing is for you.  #1 Does this book have an easily defined “shelf” in publishing land?  Self publishing is not for every book. It works well when the genre has a built-in readership who already knows what it wants. For example, mystery lovers