Sound Bites With Melissa Joy Dobbins

091: Food Allergies at School – Sherry Coleman Collins



Understanding food allergies can be the difference between life and death in our schools – and that’s not just limited to those affected by peanut allergies. Sherry Coleman Collins has first-hand experience of the school food nutrition environment, carefully navigating the 6% to 8% of children affected to avoid unpredictable anaphylaxis caused by some foods you might never have thought of as allergens. Tune in and discover what schools are implementing to address food allergies, what they could be doing better, and what you can do to encourage change. It’s possible for parents to have no idea that their children are affected until they have a reaction to food at school, so a comprehensive approach is necessary and can save lives. Sherry has committed herself in the hope of alleviating the pressure on schools and children by promoting awareness, education and best practices. Get full show notes and more information here: