Locker Room

LR12E18 Wrap Up



We’ve covered a lot of ground together this season on the podcast. This week Scott is joined by Ian Schweitzer to review and expand on some of the biggest subjects we’ve tackled this year. We’ll also talk about an important event coming up in the fall specifically for men, 18 years of age and up, from any of our campuses—our first Men’s Retreat. October 18-20. Locker Room will be back on August 30 for season thirteen. Have a great summer! DISCUSSION GUIDE What have been the episodes from this season that you learned from the most? Who can you think of that you can send episodes to from this season? Let us know, how are you using Locker Room? Email Scott and Ian reviewed the whole season. Did you have an episode that you think every man needs to hear? If so, please share it with them! NEXT STEPS  If you’re wrestling with Christianity, would like to become a Christ-follower, or need help figuring out your next step, email us at   Join a Group at south