Coach Corey Wayne

Why Working Too Much & Not Having A Balanced Life Can End Your Relationship



Join this channel to get access to exclusive members only videos, full viewer questions podcasts & The 3% Man & Mastering Yourself Study Group Podcasts with the girls where we discuss the content of both books in depth: Join Members Only Spotify: Join Members Only On My Website (you must create a free account first by subscribing to the free email newsletter): Why working too much and not having a balanced life can end your relationship & what to do instead. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for about 10 years. He’s now very successful making quadruple what he used to make and has 3 companies. He is married to his dream woman. However, he works 5am to 10pm 7 days per week. He always makes time to date his wife once per week. He is trying to save money to buy