Recovery Rockstars Uncut

Episode 85- Jessica Yaffa



Meet Jessica Yaffa, my good friend who is an incredibly special person. She is hosting a relational wellness women’s weekend retreat where YOU will Immerse yourself in a connective weekend journey that prioritizes nurturing the most important bonds in your life – the ones you have with yourself and the people around you.The retreat is taking place from June 7-9th in Encinitas. It will be an incredible few days of curated opportunities to connect with self and others, with a focus surrounding living authentically, tapping into our intuition, exploring our attachment style, examining and solidifying our boundaries, understanding healthy communication and how to practice these concepts (including navigating difficult conversations), emotional regulation, drawing in healthy connections, relational balance and implementation of self-care as a lifestyle.Space is limited, so if you are interested, reach out ASAP. Sign ups prior to May 10th will receive $200 off  Website link: