Madison Church

Unraveling the Divine Tapestry: Exploring the Genealogy of Jesus and Our Role in Faith's Narrative



Discover the intricate threads connecting the genealogy of Jesus to our everyday lives as Stephen Feith guides us through the Gospel of Luke with the precision of a historian and the passion of a storyteller. Our journey through scripture reveals more than a lineage; it showcases the transformative power of faith across generations, and the inclusivity at the heart of Christianity. From Zechariah and Elizabeth's moving narrative to the angel Gabriel's announcements, and the unexpected placement of Jesus's lineage, we find that every name, every story, is a deliberate stitch in the tapestry of God's grand design.Feel the weight of history and the personal touch of redemption in the stories of Biblical figures like Rahab, whose life is a testament to the fact that our origins do not confine our destiny. As we trace Jesus's ancestry back to Adam, we embrace a shared identity that transcends all human divisions, affirming that we each have a role in the unfolding story of faith. Listen cl