Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/20/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark’s interview with former FEC commissioner is part of the reason why the Alvin Bragg judge, Juan Merchan, will not allow Professor Bradley Smith to testify – because he will completely torpedo anything left of this Stalinist show trial. Smith made it clear that this Stormy Daniels NDA did not violate federal election law. Also, Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida is very concerned with Jack Smith’s case in Florida. She realizes that Smith is trying to play the court. Later, the International Criminal Court, ICC, turned on Israel – they issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, and he fights back. Out of all the cases in the world that they can bring like Xi in China or Kim Jong Un in North Korea, and they want to arrest Netanyahu? This warrant will spread further antisemitism throughout the world. Why didn’t President Biden and Antony Blinken speak out earlier against this? Afterward, Biden spoke at Morehouse College but if he wasn’t going to apologize for his racist past, wh