Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

When Authors Speak, Books Are Sold 05-23-2024



Why and How Authors Can Embrace the Cash Cow Two-Step This week, the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing host Dr. Judith Briles will be the solo voice on the #1 way to sell books. Using her bestselling and award-winning book, How to Create a Million Dollar Speech, she will focus on the power and privilege of speaking by using the Cash-Cow Two-Step. It’s a book marketing platform that should not be ignored by any author. Can speaking on your book … your expertise … morph your book sales? Why yes … YES it can. And the sooner you start speaking on both, the better for your influence building, your social media presence, and of course, your book sales. Your listening takeaways include: -Why you should be speaking on your book and when to start. -How to structure the perfect sandwich speech. -When to start charging and what to charge for your speaking fee. -Why handouts are a must and what each should always include. -The key components that every presentation needs. -Why every presentation should have a con