Academic Woman Amplified

220: Career Stage 2: Stepping Into Your Own



Welcome back to the ongoing series on the real stages of the academic career! In the last episode, I introduced the apprenticeship stage. Today, I am focusing on "Stepping Into Your Own," a pivotal phase where scholars begin to carve out their unique identities separate from their advisors.  The 'Stepping Into Your Own' stage is complex, demanding, and most importantly, your chance to define who you are and what you want to represent as a scholar. I advise navigating the tension between completing old projects and pursuing new directions. I also discuss the necessity of redefining relationships with your advisor, students, and peers. For each facet of the 'Stepping Into Your Own' career stage, I share do's and don'ts and what to expect as you begin to make your mark in your field! For full show notes visit   CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION: Our 12-week Navigate: Your Writing Roadmap® program helps tenure-track womxn and nonbinary professors to publish their backlog of papers so that