Vestiges Of Christianity

Paranormal Investigating 101 with April Norrod



Tonight on Vestiges After Dark, we’re excited to have April Norrod back with us for another enlightening episode. This time, April will be sharing her extensive knowledge on the ins and outs of paranormal investigations. She'll take us through the various pieces of equipment that investigators rely on, explaining how they work and what they’re used for. April will also offer valuable tips for beginners who are eager to explore the realm of the paranormal. Whether you’re a seasoned ghost hunter or just starting out with a curiosity for the unexplained, this episode will equip you with the foundational understanding and practical advice needed to embark on your own investigative journey. Tune in as April Norrod demystifies the tools and techniques of the trade for aspiring paranormal investigators.To call into the show with your questions, comments, or stories, dial: (718) 362-6380 then enter PIN: 855-4111. International callers may call free 'Skype to Skype' by dialing: eyeoftheseer They will also be taking