Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 368: Life’s Riches & Friction



Hey everyone. Sheevaun Moran here, and I am back from some time away. Although I did work while I was away. Uh, I got a little sunburnt, as you can see. I'm driving through success. I am back at the California beach towns and just profoundly grateful for all the, all the good, all of the friction. There was a lot of friction this time. And so today's topic is about riches. Life's riches. Life's riches are often in the friction. So the friction can help you grow. And life's riches are in small quests. Learning about something, uh, accomplishing something, sticking with it that's life rich life's riches. Um, I met with a bunch of young entrepreneurs and a lot of them were ready to, uh, sell their, sell their business off and start all over again. And some of them have pretty big ideas and, uh, nothing like a very young entrepreneur who's 20 showing you up massively with their, with their momentum and their ideas and their passion. And, uh, yet the challenge in that is that they're not getting the richness of th