Dr. Judy Wtf

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse – Why You Need a Professional in Your Corner



why do you need a professional in your corner when you're healing from narcissistic abuse? It's because narcissists are very good at what they do. They're graded gaslighting you. They're great at blaming you for everything, and they're great at making you feel like you're nothing and a nobody. In order to have perspective, it's important for somebody who is an enlightened witness who specializes in narcissistic abuse be on your team so that you can understand how you got into the hot mess of a narcissistic relationship in the first place. If you don't address the cause behind your involvement in the narcissistic system, unfortunately you will keep repeating the same system, and it will, not be surprising if you end up reinventing yourself. we are going through a global crisis, and it is more important than ever to heal individually. So that we can become more humane and be an empathic, human, humane grace as opposed to a narcissistic one.