D And D Fitness Radio's Show

Episode 166 - Michelle Shapiro: Understanding the Role of the Functional Dietician



In Episode 166, we have an in depth discussion on diet and health with Michelle Shapiro.  Working as a  Functional Dietician, Michelle tackles a wide range of issues related to personal health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.  We cover a wide range of topics related to diet and nutrition including the growing incidence of disease, challenges around weight loss, questions about modern food quality, habits around food preparation and consumption, and the marketing around food and dining.  Michelle Shapiro is an Integrative/Functional Registered Dietitian from NYC. Michelle has supported over 1000 clients to reverse anxiety, approach their weight with love, and heal digestive issues. Utilizing humor, nuance, and compassion, Michelle helps clients access their own liberating self-awareness. On her podcast, “Quiet the Diet,” Michelle shares her own journey of losing weight the wrong way (and what the consequences of that drastic 100 pound weight loss were), and how she learned to prioritize whole-body health as a