Hero Hero Ghost Show!

Legion Podcasts: The Prisoners of the Ghostland Review



Get ready for the (mildly) crazy, it’s the Prisoners of the Ghostland review! It was a match made in movie Heaven. Sion Sono, the auteur behind Suicide Club and Exte and the underappreciated Tag teaming up with Nicolas Cage, an actor who embodies a peculiar bravado. Pepper that cinematic meal with Bill Mosely and Sophia Boutella and you have all the makings of a cult classic. While I’m not certain that Prisoners of the Ghostland can achieve a lofty cult status, it is a sight to behold. The story is simple. Cage, playing the archetypical Man with No name, is a convict imprisoned after a bank robbery gone bad. Following the escape by a group of women, Cage is charged with braving the apocalyptic landscape known as the Ghostland to bring one of them home. The man behind the mission is a white-clad ruler known as The Governor, played by Bill Mosely with typical gusto. And that’s it. Get the girl, bring her home. What distinguishes Prisoners of the Ghostland is the man behind the lens, Sion Sono. The scri