August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

Devra Davis--The Respected Founder of Environmental Health Trust With A Step By Step Strategy To Protect Your Family from EMF's



Devra Davis is the widely respected research scientist who has been been calling attention to the dangers of EMF's for decades. As the founder of The Environmental Health Trust, she has sued the FCC for failing to update its safety standards since 1996 and focused on sharing her long-held conviction that EMF's affect our biology. Her book "Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation" was published in 2010, barely three years after the launch of the first smartphone and it remains one of the most important books on the subject.  Now, Devra has updated Disconnect with over 100 pages of new updated information, based on new and updated research.  In this conversation, we talk about the book and what we can all do to best protect our families from the very threat represented by electromagnetic fields--the information carrying radio waves that power our digital devices. Here's the book: Website: The co