Capital Hacking

E332 Mindset Monday: "Ikigai" - The Secret to a Long and Happy Life With Kevin Taylor



In this episode of Capital Hacking, We had the pleasure of discussing the concept of Ikigai, the Japanese secret to a long and happy life, with Kevin Taylor. We delved into the importance of mental capital, focusing on mindset and psychology. Ikigai is about discovering your purpose in life, aligning with your strengths and passions, and finding what gives your life meaning. We explored various aspects of Ikigai, such as stimulating the mind, challenging oneself, and balancing life's pleasures. Kevin shared insights from the book "The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life," highlighting the significance of mindfulness, flow, and resilience in achieving Ikigai. The episode emphasized the power of following your internal compass, finding joy in daily activities, and ultimately living in alignment with your Ikigai for a fulfilling and meaningful life. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we strive to unlock our true potential and purpose.Ikigai: Ul