Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Inspiring Stories of Justice and Constitutional Triumphs on Good News Friday



Can landmark lawsuits reshape our understanding of the Fourth Amendment and private property rights? Join us on this episode of the WallBuilders Show as we bring you an exciting update on a monumental legal battle aiming to overturn a nearly century-old Supreme Court decision. We delve into the historical context and current ramifications of the 1924 ruling that allowed government agents to enter private lands without warrants, a policy that impacts the vast majority of American land. Hear personal stories of how bureaucratic overreach has affected landowners and the optimism surrounding this new lawsuit that seeks to restore Fourth Amendment protections and safeguard individual property rights against unwarranted government intrusion.But that's not all. We celebrate the slow, yet steady progress in achieving legal justice through the influence of constitutional principles and original intent in recent judicial decisions. We discuss a recent legal victory where the Eighth Circuit Court revived a lawsuit