Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

Entrepreneurial You w/ Dorie Clark – ABR034 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



I Googled the word 'entrepreneurial' to make sure I spelled the word correctly for the podcast shownotes. (Hint: I didn't.) Google thought I would like to know the definition of 'entrepreneurial.' It gave me the following as my first search result: Entrepreneurial - adjective - characterized by the taking of financial risks in the hope of profit. Entrepreneurship is by definition risky. Or is it? The question of riskiness depends on how you think about risk. If you choose to have a job, you have one steady income stream. That income stream is called your paycheck. Steady seems less risky. But what happens if you are let go from that job? 100% of your income goes away is what happens. And that's the situation my guest Dorie Clark found herself in. She's had one income stream. That income stream went away at a less than opportune time (seriously... could not have been a worse date). It's now been many years since her fateful 'no mo money' day. Dorie has spent the time growing her skills, experimenting