Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

Stop Checking Your Email w/ Zachary Sexton – ABR015 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



This week, Zack goes solo to help you with tackle email overwhelm to effectively respond to the people you need to respond to. In this episode we cover: How to control the flow of emails Strategies to reduce the flow of emails Why you should stop checking your email (and what to do instead) Is this email actionable? NO A date that needs to go on your calendar? Put it on your calendar. Interesting information? Archive it and use search to find in the future. Irrelevant information? Delete it. Reference material you need to save? Download it straight into your organized reference system.* YES Will it take less than five minutes to take action? Do it now! Do you need to respond? Do it now!  Will it take more than 5 minutes? Defer it Say No Delegate Visual Email Workflow: Quotables: "Processing email is a way of making decisions on the front end with every email that comes in as soon as you open it." Links and resources mention: Ho