Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

How to Turn Being Underestimated Into Your Greatest Advantage



Relationships matter – more than money, more than status, more than material things. ~ Arlan Hamilton, It’s About Damn TimeFounders have characteristics that are not based on gender or race – they are extreme problem solvers with the ability to withstand high levels of uncertainty. They have tenacity, grit, resilience, and a high AQ! Adaptability Quotient. They follow their North Star, and they love the process.One does not need a degree or pedigree to be a funder, but when you’re underrepresented and underestimated, you have to watch out for unconscious bias.Our guest, Arlan Hamilton, is the founder and managing partner of Backstage Capital, a venture capital firm that exclusively invests in companies founded by women, people of color and LGBTQ entrepreneurs. Her journey from Tour Manager for music groups to founder of a VC firm, is extraordinary. She had a backpack, a laptop and a dream of becoming the Robin Hood of venture capital.In her recently published book, It's About Damn Time (