Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

Using Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Health Care



"Then it just hit me - did this really happen? Am I able to teach a machine to diagnose individuals? If that's a possibility, what else can I do in this space? And I thought, I'm going to use this technology to enable every individual to receive world-class healthcare no matter where you are in the world. That really became the central point of my mission with Vastmindz."After graduating with a mathematics degree, our guest, Nik Sehgal, joined Wall Street, spending most of his time working within algorithmic trading teams where he developed his passion for algorithmic science and artificial intelligence. He worked at Nomura and then joined Cowen & Company, a US based investment bank, where he was eventually made one of the youngest directors at the tender age of 25 and given the responsibility of managing an entire regional division. Despite his progression on Wall Street, Nik always had a passion for applying AI for social good and therefore decided to leave Wall Street to start his o