The Todd Herman Show

How To Make Black Kids Miserable, Scared, Enraged and More Likely To Become Criminals Ep-1629



It’s a pretty simple equation. To make black kids miserable, scared, enraged and more likely to become criminals, you would go out and glorify criminals and make them heroes. In the case of George Floyd and Michael Brown, this is exactly what has taken place. We take a look at both of these men, their complexities, their worth as human beings, and the great tragedy of making them into heroes.What does God’s Word say? Galatians 3:28 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Episode 1,629 Links:George Floyd would still be alive if he had only complied with police direction. Body cam footage clearly showed defiance by Floyd, and even when he was finally wrangled into the police car he escaped on the other side. Had he sat in the car, he would still be alive. TRUTHNAACP and Michael Brown get hit with most epic ‘Community Note’ ever on what would’ve been his 28th birthday…“Congresswoman”, Cori Bush: “Mike Brown should be turning 2