Academic Woman Amplified

222: Career Stage 4: Building Your Legacy



We are progressing through the podcast series focused on the real stages of the academic career based on your development as a professional. In today's episode, I introduce the fourth career stage: Building Your Legacy. Building Your Legacy comes post-tenure. It is the most challenging career stage in academics because it demands a radical shift and reorientation. Building your legacy means ensuring your unique perspective and work live on beyond you. It's about creating a lasting impact beyond your career and even your lifetime. It means mentoring more, collaborating with junior colleagues, and creating teams that support your academic mission. Before this promotion, you wanted to prove your worth and indispensability to your institution. But now that you have achieved tenure status, it is time to become replicable and multiply impact. Learn what to expect during this career stage and get insightful tips on navigating the challenging transition from Planting Your Flag to Building Your Legacy.   For full show