Madison Church

Navigating Faith, Politics, and Presence: Lessons from Family, Spirituality, and Community



Have you ever wondered how you could truly be present in your relationships despite the chaos of everyday life? In this episode, we share personal anecdotes from our family adventures at Walt Disney World, revealing the unexpected moments that taught us the importance of presence and attentiveness. Through a touching story involving my son Oliver, we explore how easily we can get lost in our thoughts and miss what's right in front of us, drawing vital parallels to our interactions with loved ones.It's no secret that faith and politics can be a powder keg of polarization, especially during election cycles. We dig deep into these contentious waters, challenging ourselves to adopt an "Outrageous Faith" that rises above societal discord. We discuss the delicate balance of allowing our faith to shape our political views while acknowledging that no political party fully aligns with Jesus's teachings. This episode is a call to thoughtful political engagement that is guided by our spiritual b