In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Faith Reinvigorated



Who are you and what are you meant to do? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we addressed the challenge of these fundamental questions and how to discover the work you were wired to do showing you how to use a new assessment tool to help you discover how to best use your talents and skills to move your life forward and create greater satisfaction by being the person God created you to be. Lives can be shipwrecked so easily and the guilt and shame of that failure can often lead to fears that God will never be able to understand and forgive our choices. But our guest explained how throughout the Bible we see God represented as the One who provides second chances to His people. Our guest explained the important roles that humility and forgiveness play in our ability to move forward from our failures to true forgiveness and freedom. Has your prayer life become stale and rote? It is a challenge that believers throughout history have struggled with. We spoke to a respected Bible teacher who explained wh