In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Hope Reaffirmed



For many years scouting has been a safe place to send boys to develop life skills and character. But times have changed. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we explained to you the changes in the Boy Scouts that have created sincere concerns for parents and a new Christian alternative program that helping young boys growing into strong, stable godly men. Speaking of manhood, traditional ideas of manhood have been under attack in recent years but we heard from a guest who explained that these attacks have ignored that facts that show that men who care for their families and attend church are more loving and engaged husbands and fathers. She explained how the anti-male stereotypes that are being used to attack traditional manhood do not stand up to intense scrutiny and God’s design for manhood. What is orthodox Christianity and what the tenants it is built upon? Our guest took us back to basics to explain that how we think about God impacts every aspect of our lives. Many of us do not recognize