Zeph Daniel

New Thing



Things Change, as Evil Rages at the Door 4:30, an hour to sunrise. God is saying things to me and I’m trying to unravel them, and the best way is to think I know nothing. And let things happen. There are healings afoot. There is big time prophecy afoot, meaning “in the world.” There are also charlatans, and you know them because they want something from you. Always. There is a raging rainstorm going, but in our shelter we are dry and happy. Good.   The Zeph Report has moved to Substack. Subscribe at: https://zephedaniel.substack.com/ Spiritual, political and philosophical observations along the way. And now music and information on Zeph E. Daniel and Crazed House, Ltd, film production.  Zeph E. Daniel is known for his screenwriting for the films “Girl Next”, “The Quantum Devil” and “Dementia”. Zeph also co-wrote other horror classics such as “SOCIETY”. His film production Crazed House has received numerous awards, reviews and enthusiast. Zeph is mostly recognized for his veracious and subversive podcast, THE