Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 52: Market Research: How to Know What Your Customers Want with Jessica Principie



How to Know What Your Customers Want by Doing Market Research Today we're talking all about how to know what your customers want. When it comes to determining what our customers really want, we have the temptation to return to our middle school days of fortune telling. Stay with me here. Do you remember the origami cootie catchers that told us where we would live and who we would marry? Did you ever pick the pedals off flowers, "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me!" Raise your hand if you've ever asked a Magic 8-Ball a question. Y'all, we love to predict the future. We all want to know how things will turn out, and if we're honest, we'd all love to read our customer's minds. Related: Communicating Clearly with Your Customers Using Market Research to Determine What Our Customer Wants Wouldn't it be incredible to figure out exactly what our customers want? To determine exactly what they need? To know the words they use, so we can use those words and reach them directly? We can. We can know those things-wh