Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 51: How to Build Trust With Your Social Media Followers with Jennifer Allwood and Cathy Heller



The Importance of Social Media Followers  I recently read that over 50 million businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with their customers.(1) 50 million?! These business are tapping into something powerful. They understand the value of connecting with their customers directly and using social media followers to build and expand their brand. In essence, they understand the importance of a building a tribe-a group of people who love you, are loyal to your brand, and who trust you. Your tribe is made up of the people who buy your product when you launch a pre-sale. They are the first people to mention your name (or better yet, give someone your business card) to refer your service. Your tribe is bought into your business because they're bought into you and what you stand for. One of the best ways to build a tribe is to provide a place for them to connect and engage with you and your brand. Social media provides you with the space to build a relationship with your customers, make a personal impact, and ultimat