Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 50: How to Grow a Side Hustle While Working Full-Time with Jake Vehyl and Kristin Ostrander



I heard a statistic recently that absolutely shocked me: seven out of every ten Americans say they don't like their jobs. Um, what? I don't know about you, but that number floored me. I mean, let's think about it. Seventy percent of us show up day in and day out-like for at least eight hours at a time-to a job that we don't even enjoy? That's a whole lot of unhappy people, working a whole lot of hours, doing something they hate. Ya'll, I don't get it. That makes no sense to me. None. But maybe you're in that place right now. Or maybe you're wanting to make some extra money. Or maybe you just need a creative outlet. Regardless of your motivation, I've got a great solution. Have you ever considered starting a side hustle? Related: 27 Ways to Make Extra Money from Home Is It Possible to Grow a Side Hustle If I Work a Full-Time Job? What you probably don't realize is that what you know today as Business Boutique actually started as a side hustle-while I was working a full-time job! Let's just say, necessity is tr