Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 49: How to Get Your Husband on Board With Your Business with Matt Wright



Over the past three years, one of my most favorite things has been meeting women at Business Boutique events all across the country who are there for one reason: Their husbands bought them a ticket. Y'all, let's take a second. How amazing is that? This crazy, wonderful, exhilarating journey of chasing their dream started because someone-an incredibly supportive husband, in this case-believed in them. That right there is a dream in and of itself. And believe me, I know. I have one of those rock star husbands too. Is Your Husband on Board With Your Business? My husband is my confidant, my teammate, my number one fan-but even he can get overwhelmed by yet another one of my big ideas. Any dreamers out there? Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about. But you know what I've discovered? Usually when that happens, it's because I simply didn't give him enough information or enough time to process it all. Or, let's be honest, maybe in my excitement, I jumped all the way from A to Z and just plain scared him! The good