Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 48: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business This Summer with Rachel Hollis and Rachel Cruze



I've been coaching business leaders for about a decade now, and over the years I've noticed an unfortunate theme pop up again and again. It's something that holds people back in both business and in life: People want something to change, but they don't want to make a change. You know what I'm talking about! You've probably been there yourself. Maybe you've wanted to lose weight, get out of debt, or make new friends, but you don't want to eat healthier, spend less money, or leave your house! You want to see different results without actually doing anything differently. Maybe this applies to your business right now. Maybe your sales have been stalled or your profits have plummeted, and you just feel stuck. Friend, this episode is for you-because I'm going to give you five ways to grow your business. Related: Assume You Can But-spoiler alert!-it's going to take trying some new things. Because if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. But not this summer. This is goin