Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 45: How to Present Yourself and Dress for Success with Toi Sweeney



Dressing For Success I'm so excited about today's episode because, y'all, we are talking about clothes! Okay, I'm not a fashion expert and I'm certainly not a stylist. But I will tell you, I've never met a pair of pumps I didn't like-and I know that the right outfit can instantly change the way I carry myself, how confident I feel, and my overall mood. It's simple, really: I feel my best when I look my best. And I think you will, too. Now I'm the first to admit: I've made my share of fashion mistakes. A few years ago, I was at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas speaking at a huge conference wearing my most favorite black waxed jeans and a teal blouse. I was in one of my-shall we say-"fluffier" stages. And I may or may not have had to squeeze into those jeans, but I did happen to think I looked pretty cute. But then the photographs from my client came in. One look and all I could see were jeans that were creasing and pulling-in all the wrong places, I might add. Throw in the reflection of the bright stage lights, an