Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 43: Balancing Faith in Business with Alli Worthington and Stephanie Meek



Did you know that the beginning stages of Paul the Apostle's ministry were greatly affected by a woman? And not just any woman: Lydia, a successful businesswoman, who many scholars believe to be his first known convert. Specifically, she sold purple cloth-which, back then, was valuable and expensive. It was a sign of wealth, nobility and royalty. Purple cloth was purchased and worn by members of the royal family and Roman senators. So Lydia's customers-her demographic and target market, in fact-were upper-class people. And we can assume that Lydia was successful and prosperous because she owned a home with enough rooms to host Paul and three of his friends overnight at the same time! What I love about Lydia's story is that it's a biblical example of how God cares about our life as a whole, not just our spiritual life. The biblical account of her life doesn't shy away from the fact that she was a successful businesswoman. And why would it? God cares about our business pursuits! He is the One who gave us those