Your Next Million With Frank Kern

The Right Way To Pitch On Social Media



Making an offer on social media is one of the easiest parts of the Intent Based Branding strategy to make mistakes with. Learn about the right way to pitch on social media and why making your offers internet marketing style just doesn’t work anymore. While you’re at it, you will also find out the true purpose of creating social content. (Hint: it’s not about selling your products.) The videos for the past two weeks would fall under the banner of Intent Based Branding. The methodology involves putting out content that sells and is broken down into three phases. Phase 1 is helpful useful content that makes an offer, phase 2 is understanding that content is an asset for your business that keeps on performing, and phase 3 is advertising. The content always does three things: provides value, builds goodwill, and makes an offer. The format of the content is usually video, typically live. When Frank teaches the method to people, they usually create the content as if they were producing a webinar, which is not the r