Your Next Million With Frank Kern

The Real Secret To Marketing Success



If your mission is to get MORE CUSTOMERS, this is for you…Frank reveals the simple secret to true marketing success, and it’s probably not what you expect. Learn how to think about your ad spend the right way, even if you’ve never really spent money on ads before, by discovering the most important number in marketing. Sometimes ads are not the answer to creating new customers. Sometimes, it makes more sense to set up a process that gets additional work from your existing customer base before you start spending money on ads. One of Frank’s clients who runs a traditional business in New Zealand had reached a plateau in their business and was now on the mission of acquiring new customers. Because Frank’s client was a local based business, he recommended they test out the ‘click-to-call’ ad type. They started out with a small budget of $1000 and managed to generate $1914 in sales, around a 40% return on their as spend. The natural next step was to run the ads again and spend more money. When people aren’t used t