Your Next Million With Frank Kern

A Common Myth That Holds Us Back



Discover the truth behind reaching more people with your content and selling more products. Here’s a hint: It’s not about how many followers or fans you have or how big your email list is. Learn the simple strategy Frank has been using to drive traffic and grow his audience without having to pay for ads. One of the things that people get hung up on is one particular pillar of Frank’s Intent Based Marketing strategy. You have to consistently make posts on social media every single day where you deliver value in whatever way you can while also making offers at the same time. The part people have trouble with is they think it works for Frank because he has such a large social media following. What they don’t realize is that there is no such thing as a big social media following because of organic reach. While it’s better to have many fans than none, it doesn’t really matter as much as engagement. Organic reach is basically dead. The name of the game is called engagement. It’s not about how many followers you ha