Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Hidden In Plain Sight



Frank reveals how some of the most powerful and profitable marketing strategies are hidden right in front of you in plain sight. Listen to Frank as he explains the power of the two magic words that turn one offer into multiple offers and why being perceptive to your audience could be the missing piece of the puzzle for your business. The answers to nearly every marketing question are always hidden in plain sight. The first thing Frank asks new clients is ‘what is our objective?’ The second is ‘what assets do we have to work with?’ Inevitably, each client says that something they did worked really well amongst a pile of other things that worked a bit or not at all. The question is always ‘why don’t you do the thing that worked really well again?’ Most people only communicate with their list sporadically. Frank’s advice to those people is to do something outside of their comfort zone, typically to email their list three times in one week. The 9 word email can be extremely effective here. Don’t focus on what di