Your Next Million With Frank Kern

The “Magic Power” That Fuels Success



There is more to success than just hard work, dedication, and believing in yourself. Learn about the two “magic powers” that separate the most successful people on Earth from everyone else, and how you can combine them to become unstoppable. The most common question Frank gets is “what separates a very successful person from a non-successful person?” Hard work, dedication, and belief in yourself are not the reason although they are important. The one thing that all Frank’s most successful clients have in common is they are willing to listen and actually follow the advice they get from their mentors. It may sound simple, but it’s surprisingly rare. Commitment to action is the most important character trait. Don’t overcomplicate the advice, try it first. If it doesn’t go as planned, then you ask a million questions. Every single private client that Frank works with is a long term thinker. A million bucks is a good start, but it should never be the end goal. They are perfectly fine with doing whatever it takes