Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Finishing 2018 Strong



Tis the season to finish 2018 strong so what are you doing to take advantage of it? Discover why the next couple of months could be the best time of the year for generating revenue in your business. Learn the secret cardinal rule to long term success in business and how to leverage the upcoming holiday season to get what all entrepreneurs need: simplified growth. We are right in the middle of offer season. This is the time of year, more than any other time of year, especially within American culture, that we are essentially conditioned to buy things. Being in buying season means we are also in selling season. There are multiple reasons to make offers to people on your list between now and the end of the year. The cardinal rule of long term success in business is always make offers. Your financial success will be directly proportional to the amount of offers you make to your market. There is a trick, you can’t just bludgeon the marketplace with offers all the time or they will just start ignoring you. The sec