Keto Naturopath

Something You Need To Know...Before We Continue



It’s important to ‘remember where you came from’ as the saying goes. In our case, it’s a very short step back in time to re-experience how our health incinerated around us from colossal personal loss of everything we worked for, coupled with a grim diagnosis of my wife's brain tumor, and loss of my only brother, and mother. It all exceeded my ability to cope. I crumbled into (what I was told by the physicians treating me) severe lifelong illness with no cure (was told it was worst crohns and ulcerated colitis on record for that regional hospital in Connecticut). Supposedly my future would be possible only if I submitted to a series of powerful medications that would keep my immune system from destroying me. Seriously? Who changed my life script? How extremely bleak it was and so glibly delivered with complete certainty. Months of self-administered shots and potent pharmaceuticals followed. I was told I could not miss a dose or the meds would become far less effective due to developing a tolerance to them