

Our Summer Spin In is underway and we talk about our plans for spinning over the summer. What will you be spinning? We announce the winners of our Out-of-Hibernation-Along. Plus, it's the Two Ewes, so you know there’ll be a rant or two and we'll get off topic! Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Clutterbug Marsha’s Projects Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Starting toe of first sock. Sweet Baby Cardigan by Alena Byers: Using Blue Sky Fiber Printed Organic Cotton and Hikoo by Skacel Simplicity Solid. I decided against using the pattern, Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman. Mountain High Combo Spin #3: Finished body and halfway done with first sleeve. Combo Spin #5: Finished! A little over 1,000 yards of sport/DK weight Kelly’s Projects Accountability check: the Classic Knitted R