Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 371: Make Your Unique Impact



Hey everyone, my name's Sheevaun Moran and I'm driving for your success. And today's topic is about making an impact with, with what you have to say out in the world. And while this may not seem like something that is relative to you and for you, I promise it will be because one of my clients who has a large organization and many, many, many, many thousands of employees the other day is going to be on his first worldwide podcast. And we went over some of the ideas of what he could share and, and what could be said and how I could say it. And it got me thinking. And I said, well, why don't you just, uh, spend a moment and I'll tell you a little bit about how I have been interviewed by thousands of people. And this is what I usually start with. I always say, they ask me, so who I, who am I? What do I do? How did I end up where I ended up? And, and my name's Shavan Moran, and how I started out my first business at 11 years old. I was coding computers by the time I was 14 till I graduated high school, and then ev