Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Honoring Your Biological Needs with Dr. Kyrin Dunston - Why You Can’t Prescribe Away an Unhealthy Lifestyle



Is your lifestyle no longer serving you? Ignoring your biological needs as a woman leads to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a less joyful life. Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we discuss the lifestyle necessary to adjust to the changes of menopause with Dr. Kyrin Dunston. She is a board-certified OBGYN. She realized the education she received as a doctor was not working as her health continued to decline. Her struggle helped her discover a new way to approach health. Now she helps women establish healthy habits to recover from burnout and adrenal fatigue. Together we uncover why self-education is the key to lasting transformation in your life. Understanding yourself and your needs is the first step on your hormonal health journey. Dr. Dunston helps you get clear on your goals and desires so that you can commit to the changes you need to achieve a life of joy.  Your body does not care what you think, and without understanding your biological and energetic needs, you won't have the energy to do the things you lov