Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Why Love Is Medicine For The Heart & Mind



How we feel towards our bodies and our loved ones can actually impact the health we have inside. Love is medicine; feeling love increases our oxytocin and helps keep cortisol in check, so our stress levels don’t contribute to the heart or other diseases. Razi Berry is a naturopathic doctor who focuses on the way love impacts our health. When Razi was a teenager, she had a severe eating disorder that was causing her heart to stop working. She knows the exact moment when she started to heal: her mother and brother were surrounding her hospital bed and telling her how much they loved her. It was that love, and love she felt for them, that told her body it was time to heal. Razi found herself asking the question “where does healing come from?” often after she was healed. And now she believes that as a society, our lack of love and empathy for one another and ourselves are contributing to chronic and incurable diseases.  As a society, we have a disconnection from nature and Razi encourages everyone to spend more t