Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Importance Of Practicing Self-Love From The Inside Out



Your physical appearance is important to you; it’s something we all take pride in. But I think it’s more important that our body is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves on the inside. Today’s guest, Bree Argetsinger, also known as The Betty Rocker, is all about practicing self-love from the inside out. Bree is a certified Exercise Coach, certified to help you realign your body through manual therapy, and ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) certified fitness nutrition practitioner. But more than this, she’s an incredibly motivating woman who has been through it all. When Bree was in her early 30s, she burned out her adrenal glands and has spent years learning how to correct them. The Betty Rocker promotes a natural approach to diet, one that includes plenty of whole foods that will help you feel fuller for longer. It can be overwhelming when faced with so many good choices, and many women struggle with this. But through making those healthy food choices and realigning our bodies through c