Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How To Start Living Your Limitless Life



You know the old saying, “if you can dream it, you can do it”? That is pretty much today’s guest’s motto in life. Naveen Jain is a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist who believes in living life without limits. He’s joining me today to tell you how you can start living your limitless life today. Naveen explores life with curiosity, imagination, and exponential innovation to defy any and all limits. He believes that every single person has the ability to create big things, go anywhere they want (yes, even the moon), and change the world. Naveen is an entrepreneur driven to solve our world’s global challenges… and he’s succeeding in a big way. By living with an abundance mindset, Naveen knows that there is no limit to the money available in this world. He wants to create a world where disease is optional, and this has started him on a path to providing affordable health solutions for everyday people. I’ve often said that I left medical school with a degree in pimping pharmaceutical companies, and Naveen agre