Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How To Heal Your Body With Intermittent Fasting



Intermittent fasting is the best way of eating you can follow when you’re trying to heal and strengthen your body. By restricting your food intake to a set number of hours a day, your body will look for sustenance from within when you’re not eating. Dr. Mindy Pelz joins me today to talk about intermittent fasting. Mindy is a chiropractor and nutritionist, specializing in keto and intermittent fasting for women. It’s a way of eating that is beneficial and supportive for the whole family. She started looking for solutions to her own health when she was 43 and felt she was doing all the right things but still wasn’t at optimal health. On this episode, we’re talking about the benefits of practicing intermittent fasting every single day. From regulating your blood sugar to weight loss, if you’re following intermittent fasting and eating the right foods, there’s very few people out there that this way of eating wouldn’t benefit. Some people find that they have to experiment with their fasting window to find what wo