Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How To Heal After A Disaster Using The Five Gifts



A lot of people don’t realize that grief and tragedy can take literally years to get to a point of acceptance with it. And while it’s a very real process for anyone going through it, so many people around them want you to just “get over it” and stop feeling the way you’re feeling. It’s not that easy, and today’s guest, Dr. Laurie Nadel, is here to tell you how you can use humanity’s greatest gifts to work through your pain. Dr. Laurie Nadel is a writer and psychotherapist who spent 20 years on the front lines of many traumatic events, from wars to hurricanes. She’s used this experience to fuel her quest and education into grief, trauma, and acute stress. Laurie tells us about another first-hand traumatic event she witnessed, when Hurricane Katrina flooded her house, and what it was like watching your heaviest furniture floating in the rising waters. In this episode of Couch Talk, Laurie shares with us how she was called to the premise of her book, The Five Gifts, and what each of these gifts are. It’s easy to