Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

The Hormone Fix



When you’re going through menopause, gaining weight, suffering through hot flashes, and having trouble sleeping are just the tip of the iceberg. You’re probably feeling forgetful, anxious, and moodier than ever before. Not to mention your sex drive has probably gone kaput. It’s all over from here - or is it? Fixing your hormone issues naturally sounds too good to be true, right? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s not! Getting your hormones back on track is within your reach - all it takes is a little bit of determination and know-how. And I know you can do it. In this solo episode, I’m sharing with you what makes my new book, The Hormone Fix, so special. It’s full of practical advice from years of my own personal experience fixing my hormones, plus working with thousands of women to support them through menopause. These methods work, plain and simple. I’m excited to share with you what my book is about, but most importantly, why it exists. Thank you so, so much to all my friends, family, fans, and clients -